So I've discovered a new online past time - blog hopping. While we don't have any of our friends links listed (no offense to anyone) there are several people that have linked us to their blog. In fact, it was when Britt told us that she had linked us to her blog that I realized someone (meaning me) should probably do something with our blog. Back to my point. When I have exhausted my online communities, perused all the craiglist listings, and am looking for a reason not to go to our bank website to balance the checkbook, I will start blog hopping. Who knows where I will start out, who knows where I will end?
Turns out it is a small, small world; at least the LDS world is (small - for those of you who don't like dangling whatever that may be). I have hopped around and found people I hadn't thought about in years. And these people have children, grown children. Okay well, not grown, but six and seven years old - significantly older than my almost 17 month old. So now I feel old. These are people I went to church and school with; these are my contemporaries. I guess the jig is up. I am an adult now, an official grown-up. If they are, then I must be too. Sigh.
I do enjoy catching up on people lives, at least the parts they find worthy enough to share with the online community. And I want to thank those who link to their friends and families blogs because without them I may have never discovered that I was a grown-up. Off to start acting like one.
5 years ago
6 Validations:
Blog hopping is a good time! That's how I found you! It is nice to peek into others lives and see their's crazy to see their "older" kids since I am old enough to have kids that age too ( but don't :))
DITTO to Heidi's comment!! LOVE to see what everyone is up to. Keep posting.
Your wife sounds like a hoot Erik...I only met her once and she probably doesn't even remember the chance meeting when you two were dating and we had all congregated at Dan's house!! But you sound like you have a happy little family!!
Blog hopping, I guess that is what I have been doing the past hour;) Started off on my sister in law's page and ended up here. I went to school with Erik as long as I can remember and was thrilled when I saw his name on someone's list. I can't really remember who at this moment. I loved looking at the pictures of your sweet little girl. I think she looks a lot like Erik. So anyhow, I just wanted to stop in and say Hello to an old friend. Take care.
~Danielle Bridgers Banks
I'm so glad you posted another entry!! Sometimes other people's blogs get me through the day!
That anthony grundy comment was mine! Bryan must have made that name when we started this account way back when!
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